This research carries out a pragmatic analysis of Gure (Tugbiri) proverbs. Its aim is to explore and analyse the proverbs from the pragmatic point of view, placing emphasis on the pragmatic acts performed by the selected proverbs and the relevance of context and background information to the proper understanding and usage of theselected proverbs. Data for the study was sourced through oral interview with some competent speakers of the language. The study adopted the descriptive and historical research methods. In all, seven proverbs  were analysed according to their functions using Searle’s indirect speech acts theory as the analytical framework for analysis. The five classification of indirect speech acts provided by Searle such as׃ declaratives, commissives, expressive, assertive and directives makes it easier to understand the illocutionary acts performed by the selected proverbs and the relevance of context and background knowledge to the understanding and proper usage of the proverbs as evident in the data analysed. It was discovered that, proverbs in Gure (Tugbiri) language are not just used for their linguistic beauty but perform the functions of encouraging, advising, warning amongst others. Also, the proverbs are a window through which the Gure people’s world view is revealed.Â
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