
This work is on face and politeness in social interaction among students of Kaduna Polytechnic: College of Business and Administrative Studies (CBMS). The concepts of face and politeness are discussed with regards to their importance in every communication. The paper has been able to project the significance of the study in promoting harmony, respect, good human relationship, and avoidance of conflict. The methodology adopted is the random sampling, observation and recording of students’ utterances in cafes, restaurants, gossip centre, bus parks, and the students’ affairs office. The data gathered from the speeches which included proverbs, requests and euphemisms, were analysed using the politeness theory of Brown and Levinson (1987). The politeness theory helps with interpersonal relationships, workplace, environments (job interviews meetings) business world, art world, oral presentations. This work also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of politeness theory, how it affects the Hearer and the Speaker. Politeness theory accounts for the speaker’s intention to mitigate face threats carried out by certain face threatening acts towards alistener. Four politeness strategies were also expressed in the work. They include: Bald–on–record, negative politeness, positive politeness and off record (indirect). The findings revealed that proverbs, euphemisms and requests in any informal situation have their indirect speech acts and must be used in a given context.  

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