
The use of language has assumed different forms and shapes to communicate both extricate and intricate messages. Messages are basically doing certain things when appropriately situated in an institutionalized context and actual speech events. Media texts especially columns communicate tacit meaning(s) which are often misconstrued or are not properly assayed, thus, readers are plunged into meaning dilemma which hampers the effective communication of messages deployed in the column articles. This engagement is ergo; set out to elucidate methods of interpreting columns articles by explicating the interaction of the language means and the inextricable role of the contextual nuances in column interpretation. Also, this study underscores what column articles are used to do in the print and online media. A random purposive sampling technique was used to select five (5) column articles of Pius Adesanmi in Sahara Reporters’ online medium. The articles selected basically deal with corruption related issues. The Appurtenances of a modified Jacob Mey’s Pragmatic Act theory and style as choice from variant and competing forms are used as the approach for this study.This study submits that the columns are exposing, indicting, defaming and castigating the corrupt political leaders who parade themselves as the representatives of the people. Also, the pract of challenging and propelling the citizens to take informed decisions pervade the columns. The study also divulged the various stylistic devices and expressive means used in the text and their functional values were explicated especially as they aid the pragmatic act performed. 

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